By John Penrose. Original article written for Conservative Home Here. Churchill is supposed to have said that America can usually be relied on to do the right thing after they’ve tried everything else first, but it’s a phrase that applies…
This article was originally written for Conservative Home and published on 10/09/2024. Just over two months ago, we handed Labour the supermajority we worried about. We lost votes to Labour, the Liberal Democrats, and Reform, as well as to apathy…
The Following article was written by Zoe Crowther and published on Politics Home. Former Conservative MP John Penrose has called for MP voting rounds in Tory leadership contests to be made public to help the party stop choosing “problematic leaders”. This, he said, would make the…
I’m sorry to have to resign as the PM’s Anti-Corruption Tsar but, after his reply last week about the Ministerial Code, it’s pretty clear he has broken it. That’s a resigning matter for me, and it should be for the…
John discusses why he felt he had to resign as Boris Johnson’s Anti-Corruption Tsar, saying it’s “pretty clear” the Prime Minister broke the ministerial code over the partygate scandal.
John Penrose discusses the life and achievements of Margaret Thatcher shortly after her death on the 8th April 2013.